Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Self-Service Cash Registers: Pros and Cons

At recent visits to Kroger, Giant Eagle, Wal-Mart and other stores to do grocery shopping, I've noticed that most companies are the making the shift towards self-checkout.

While convenient at times, I miss the interactions I've had with my favorite cashiers, talking about the weather, how my family and students are doing, and a range of other topics.

One student in one of my classes noted that employment is challenging in many areas at this time, and self-checkout isn't just being done to save a company money, which is a great point.

I think that stores need to balance self-checkout with full-service checkout to ensure that all shoppers have a great experience.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Vital Farms: Breaking Down the Barriers between Farmers and the Food We Eat

In many factory farming operations, food producers don't want us to know how our food is produced.  They make every effort to conceal how the the animals they raise live.  One farm that is breaking down this barrier is Vital Farms, and an innovative strategy they're using is allowing individuals to see how farm animals live.

Below is a link to one Vital Farms chicken farm in which chickens live a happy and healthy life while producing eggs that go to tables across the country.


Chef and Humanitarian: Jose Andres

Chef and humanitarian Jose Andres is changing the world yet again through food.  After his amazing work in Puerto Rico in 2017, he's now feeding many people in Ukraine.  His beautiful words are that "You can fight in many ways, and some people fight by making sure people are fed."

A video of Andres at work can be found below:


Also, if you're in the Washington DC area, a wonderful restaurant owned by Andres is Zaytinya:


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Expresso Air Coffee Terminal: Delicious Coffee and Desserts in Westerville

While grading papers in Westerville, I stopped into the Expresso Air Coffee Terminal for coffee and a delicious piece of baklava.

I was advised that Turkish Baklava uses lemon juice and sugar for flavoring and it was delicious with a cup of strong coffee.

It's a must try!


School Lunch!

While teaching at a Worthington, Ohio high school yesterday, I realized I had forgotten my lunch and stopped by the cafeteria for a delicious and cost effective dining option.

The meal was very different from what I remember when I was in high school: and included a lot of fresh veggies and other light and healthy ingredients.

This General Tso's Chicken was a mere $3.75 and was DELICIOUS!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Amish Country Ohio's Colorful Cookery

While visiting Ohio's Amish Country, my wife Lindsay, son Finley and I visited The Colorful Cookery based on a tip Lindsay read online.

The pizza and bubble waffles were AMAZING!  The pizza crust was light, crispy and delicious and the bubble waffle we tried was loaded with delicious ice cream, chocolate and peanut butter sauce, and an array of tasty toppings.

If visiting or passing through Berlin, Ohio, don't forget to stop at The Colorful Cookery!


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Power Bowl

What do you make when all you have on hand are some chic peas, onions, corn, oil, and spices.  A power bowl of course! The chick peas provide protein, onion and corn texture and flavor, and spices a delicious kick.

Start by cooking some onions in a cast iron pan, then add your remaining ingredients to cook for a few more minutes.  If you'd like, you could also add an egg for extra protein.