Saturday, November 23, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Apple Cider Waffles

For a delicious treat try Apple Cider Waffles featuring the tasty flavors of Fall.  The secret to my batch was fresh Ohio eggs courtesy of Ginny's Happy Hens.  When preparing your favorite recipes, always consider incorporating local ingredients raised with love and sold with pride like the gems shown below.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Buckeye Donuts

As I look out the window of Buckeye Donuts at High Street, I watch the campus slowly rise from its slumber.  To my left, a man in overalls sips a cup of coffee and prepares for the morning ahead.  We chat in Spanish over fresh donuts and fresher coffee.  Behind me, a woman snoozes, resting on the counter.  I prepare to work on a long paper for a class I'm taking this semester.  It is a beautiful morning in Columbus, and food is the catalyst the brings each of the different lives sitting around me together.