Thursday, January 29, 2015

Massive Lobster Tails

As I perused the seafood section of my local grocery store I gazed upon three massive, beautiful Caribbean lobster tails.  Each appeared to be approximately a foot in length, and as my mouth watered, I couldn't help but also wonder how much longer these beautiful denizens of the deep would swim the warm waters of the Caribbean.

If ever in doubt over the sustainability of a seafood option you're considering, always check Seafood Watch.  Click on the state you live in for the best seafood options that are healthy, sustainable, and delicious!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Beverage Droid

My lovely wife couldn't have gotten me a more suitable drink holder than this wonderful beverage droid fashioned after a certain famous Star Wars R2 unit.  Thanks Lindsay!

Mr. Tea

In addition to the A-Team's B.A. Baracus, another formidable "Mr. Tea" can be found in this lovely silicon infuser who takes a dip in your mug and brews a perfect cup of tea.

Small Batch Roasted Coffee

Special thanks to Trent for the lovely cup of small-batch roasted coffee!  The flavor was exquisite and attained a perfect cup of coffee with an approximately 4-minute brew time.