What more decadent dessert could a person enjoy than a selection of delicious hand-topped donuts from Peace, Love and Little Donuts in Worthington, Ohio? Donuts seem to capture all of the cravings we have for a sweet, filling, and calorie-laden treat that so many of use enjoy as a great "sometime food."
After getting his haircut, Finley is ready to dive into a selection of donuts that he helped choose from. The look on his face matches mine when I'm ready to enjoy a great donut!
To check out the Peace, Love and Little Donuts website, click here
The lowly bread heel is looked down upon by many. The often thick crust turns many off, but to this foodie a bread heel sandwich is simply divine. Why waste the end of a perfectly good loaf of bread when one could enjoy all the chewy, flavorful goodness all to oneself?
On my busy commute between Marysville Early College High School and Columbus State Community College on Wednesday, I took a brief moment to enjoy a wonderful bread heel sandwich with a thick layer of extra crunchy peanut butter. My inexpensive but satisfying meal hit the spot during my busy day.