Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dream Wheels

As I drove along I-270 circumnavigating Columbus, Ohio, my dream vehicle slowly began to materialize in the distance.  My eye's could make out the vehicle's shape as my foot pressed against the accelerator to catch up.  Watching the speedometer rise from 60 to 70 to 73 miles per hour, I worried that perhaps my speed was getting too high.

I missed my exit, but was too focused on the vehicle I was trying to catch up with to worry.  Noticing that the beautiful vehicle I was chasing had pulled off on the last exit I could take before going way out of my way, I excitedly waved to the driver as we both pulled to a stop.

To my right was several tons of pure beauty.  The polished wheels shone in the sunlight.  Curves accentuated the vehicle's body and a fresh coat of wax had been recently applied.  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a quick picture of my dream car . . . the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile.

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