Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cuisine en Papillote

Cooking in parchment paper (en papillote) is a healthy, light, and delicious way to prepare and enjoy a range of foods.

Here, I've provided instructions for preparing chicken or fish en papillote.  Start by folding a piece of parchment paper in half and cutting it in the same way you'd cut out a heart-shaped piece of paper.  Be sure to use parchment paper and not waxed paper, as parchment paper is engineered to withstand the high temperatures of oven cooking while waxed paper is not.

Heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Open up the parchment paper and place sliced vegetables on the bottom and slices of lean meat (chicken or fish) on top.  Note: meat isn't required in this recipe.  A selection of just vegetables is delicious!

I like onion, cherry tomatoes, and cilantro, but be creative and use the types of ingredients that you like.  Sliced chicken (left) or salmon (below) are both wonderful.

 Top with tomatoes, cilantro, or any other fresh toppings.  Dried herbs de Provance are really tasty too.  If you'd like a little extra richness to your dish, top with a pad of butter too.
 Begin folding the papillote together to create a sealed packet.
Twist the end to seal the packet off.  Place on a baking sheet and put in the 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Cut open the packets on the top with sharp kitchen shears and enjoy a light, delicious meal!  Note: I like to add a little liquid to the packets as well.  A bit of white wine, sherry, or juice (lemon, apple, or grape) work really well.

Bon Appetit!  -The Food Pope

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