Monday, August 5, 2013

Cabbage as Side Dish

Cabbage is tasty, contains minimal calories, and makes an inexpensive side dish to enjoy with any meal.  Here, I'm sauteing Dan's home grown purple cabbage in olive oil.  Drizzled with balsamic or red wine vinegar enhances the flavor and health benefits!


  1. I think the whole cabbage family is fantastic. Brussels sprouts especially. I'm going to have to try this one.

    1. I love this family of vegetables too! My favorite way to cook brussels sprouts is to cook 6 strips of bacon in a cast iron pan, remove and chop the bacon, and then cook halved brussels sprouts in the bacon fat. Top with bacon crumbles and enjoy! Miss you guys and hope you're doing great.

  2. I am going to try this brussel sprout recipe. I do love them and bacon. You both are great and I miss you guys. Hope you're doing well.
