Friday, November 20, 2015

Bucherondin and a heavy heart

Last week I purchased a piece of Bucherondin from the grocery store.  Bucherondin is a cheese made from goat’s milk cheese encircled with a beautiful rind and a smooth, creamy texture.  Using a small plastic container, I packed the cheese in my bookbag and enjoyed it with some slices of bread for lunch.

My simple meal reminded me of a trip I made with my family to Strasbourg and Paris France in the mid-1990s.   Click here to go on a video tour of Strasbourg France

Most days my lunch would consist of a piece of amazing French bread, cheese, a small tin of sardines, and a soda or cup of wine.  The experience reinforced in me the French joie de vivre (love of life).  Just because a meal is simple and inexpensive doesn’t mean it isn’t also fit for a king.

It was with a heavy heart that I realized several hours after I had finished my lunch that Paris had experienced a horrific terrorist attack.  I realize that the world is a very different place than it was when I traveled to France, but I am still having trouble comprehending what happened.

When I think of France I think of the amazing cheeses and wine, recipes which turn simple ingredients into works of art, and chefs such as Jacques Pepin who have inspired me for many years.

To the great country of France and its beautiful people: may your healing take time and let nobody take from you the love of life that your people, food, and culture impart to the world.  Sincerely, The Food Pope

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