Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fearless Fusion: Middle Eastern Pizza

Fusion cuisine is taking the world by storm.  The ingredients, flavors, food culture, and presentation style of the foods of very different cultures can be exciting and delicious when combined together.

Looking for a way to create a new dish that honors some of my favorite food cultures, the below Middle Eastern pizza adorned my dinner plate last night.  I started with a Mexican flour tortilla.  This simple "crust" is readily available at many stores and I chose to go with the larger, burrito size.  In classic Italian style, I proceeded to build a pizza on the tortilla, choosing to forgo tomato sauce and instead use hummus.  The Cedars brand hummus that I used spread very well the flavor didn't overpower the finished pizza.

I added green peppers, artichokes, tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, and baked for 9 minutes at 350 degrees.  The finished pizza was light, tasty, and delicious when sprinkled with a bit of cumin.

When trying new flavors and meals in your kitchen, be fearless and embrace a fusion of different flavors!


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hello Fresh: Food Pope Review

Hello Fresh is currently in the midst of a big marketing campaign to get individuals interested in trying some selections from their menu.  While at the mall, I signed up for an offer to get 2 meals for $10.97.  I thought that the price couldn't be beat, so I signed up and a week later the two meals for two were at our doorstep.

  • You have everything you need, with the exception of a few ingredients that most individuals will likely already have on hand (such as oil or salt and pepper).
  • Foodies can adjust or modify the meal to their liking, creating a dish that is tailored to individual taste.
  • The food is really good quality.
  • There is quite a bit of waste in the packaging.  While many things are recyclable or reusable (for example, I saved one of the freezer packs to use on future shopping trips and recycled one), there is still a fair amount of waste with each order.
Final Review:  Highly Recommended!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

All Hail the Unhealthy Pop Tart

What should I buy, I ask myself as I gaze through the plexiglass shield separating me from an array of snacks.
A thermos of hot tea has accompanied me on this trip to the library, but neither woman nor man can live on tea alone.
Roasted almonds beckon me . . .
A granola bar calls for my attention . . .
A chocolate bar yearns for my selection . . .
But no, what I seek is located in section D8

After inserting a dollar, I carefully push the buttons cause a motor to move you forward,
Dropping to the machine's bottom.

The heavenly confection below has has a shelf life of a year, rather than days,
Thanks to the range of preservatives within it.

Sugar, gluten, chemicals, cinnamon, and artificial flavors combine to create this wonderful snack which,
When combined with a cup of hot tea.

Is nothing short of Heaven.