Monday, November 25, 2019

Peeps: An Amazing Tradition for Any Time of Year

What is a Pennsylvania steel town to do when its major industry and source of revenue begins to wane?  Invent a creative marshmallow confection and market it for any time of year of course!
I was first introduced to Peeps (link to company website here), a wonderful treat still made in Bethlehem, PA, by my mother as a child.  Every Easter several boxes of the cute little marshmallow chicks extruded from a machine and dusted in yellow sugar would rest in my sister and my Easter baskets.  They were delicious as is or plopped in a cup of hot chocolate.
Today, Peeps come in all shapes and are marketed to excited connoiseurs for any time of year. 
While doing some holiday shopping I found a new wonderful treat: Gingerbread Peeps.  Excited to try a box, I took them home to sample.

On a plate and microwaved for 5-7 seconds, they are absolutely wonderful.  A distinct flavor reminiscent of pumpkin spice combines with the molten marshmallow for a heavenly combination.  Have a wonderful start to the holiday season and don't forget to pick up a few holiday Peeps to enjoy!
-The Food Pope

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