Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chinese Hot Pot

A week ago I was introduced to Chinese hot pot for the first time when I joined my friends David and Maggie at Moy's Chinese Restaurant in Columbus.

As I scanned the menu, my eyes were continually drawn to the menu section labeled "hot pots."  Curious, I asked the server what they were and was advised that they are delicious and very authentic.

After choosing an eggplant, chicken, and salt fish (dried salted fish incorporated into many recipes for flavor) hot pot, I anxiously awaited its arrival.

I was thrilled to receive a beautiful miniature clay pot bubbling contently atop a stand with lit Sterno can.  The hot, mildly spicy mixture had a delicious blend of eggplant, onion, chicken, salt fish, garlic and ginger.

Searching the web for a recipe for this delicious dish, I found the below video and recipe which look like they'd create a very close approximation of the delicious meal I enjoyed at Moy's.


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