Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Oolong: A Perfect Winter Tea

One of my former students bought me a wonderful tin of oolong tea while traveling home to Taiwan for the Winter break.

The oolong teas of Taiwan are heavenly.  They have a robust, earthy flavor and an amazing array of health benefits.  Oolong teas may aid in digestion, and thus pair well with heavy Winter meals such as pork and beef roasts, pasta, and rice dishes.  They also contain an array of beneficial antioxidants and a small amount of caffeine to keep the drinker alert and focused throughout the day.

The dried leaves are often rolled: either by hand or machines utilized on tea plantations.  During the steeping process, the leaves spring to life and unfurl to reveal their beautiful leaf structure.  Some branches are incorporated in the mix as well, contributing to the unique appearance and flavor of oolong teas.

To infuse oolong tea, bring water to a full boil and steep between 3-5 minutes.  Oolong teas can be infused multiple times, and many oolong aficionados argue that the second, third, fourth, and even fifth infusions are the best!

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