Sunday, January 3, 2016

Embracing the Force with Tea in 2016

Personal qualities important to embracing the light side of the force include clarity, focus, and mental alertness: all of which can be enhanced through daily tea consumption.  While it is never expressly depicted in Star Wars, the likelihood that the Jedi are avid tea drinkers is very high.  I imagine the Jedi Master Yoda hanging a small kettle over the fire in his lair to boil tea made using water collected from the murky depths of Dagobah's swamps.

Tea banishes the mind and spirit of dark thoughts, hydrates and strengthens the body, and contributes to overall health.  Steeping tea at home and work is a simple process requiring minimal time and cost.

Boil water using a standard or electric kettle.  If using teabags, use 1 teabag per 8-12oz cup, and if using looseleaf tea, use 1 tsp of leaves per 8-12oz cup.  If brewing tea in a teapot or kettle, adjust the amount of tea accordingly (For example, for a teapot which holds 24 ounces, use 3 tsp of tea: or 1 tsp per 8oz cup).

Use a cup or mug that brings you peace and harmonizes your mind and spirit.  For the above cup of tea, I've chosen a mug I purchased when I visited the Monterrey Bay Aquarium which makes me think of my love of the sea.  The tea infuser I'm using has a fine stainless steel mesh which separates the tea leaves from the brewed tea.

Steep tea for 3-5 minutes depending on taste and enjoy!

As you enter the New Year, don't forget to make tea a part of your daily routine for health, wisdom and prosperity.

May the Force be With You in 2016,
The Food Pope

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