Sunday, October 30, 2016

Light, Healthy, and Delish!

After enjoying stuffed grapes leaves at a local restaurant several weeks ago, I decided to try my hand at making them at home.  My recipe needs a little tweaking, but the stuffed grape leaves still ended up being really tasty!

Start with cooked barley.  To view a simple recipe for cooking pearl barley, visit

To your cooked barley, add olive oil, lemon juice, small cubes of feta cheese, and parsley.  Mix thoroughly and let the fun begin!

Grape leaves can be found at most Middle Eastern and Mediterranean markets.  They come tightly packed in salt water so be sure to remove them carefully from the jar so they remain in-tact.


Take a spoonful or two of the barley salad you prepared and place in the center of a grape leaf.  Begin rolling by folding both sides inward.
 Once the sides of the grape leaves are rolled inward, begin rolling the grape leaf from the back and moving forward.  The resulting stuffed grape leaf should look like a small cigar.  Place in a small glass container with the others you made and drizzle with olive oil to enjoy right away or later!

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