Sunday, October 2, 2016

SPAM Scatter: A Poem

Start with cubes of SPAM.

Heat a cast-iron skillet to not quite screaming, but quite hot.

Carefully pour a tablespoon or so of olive oil into the pan: it burns less quickly than butter, don't you know?

Toss the cubes of meat-amalgam into the hot oil, taking comfort in the searing sizzle.

Next, start searching your refrigerator for any leftovers that might get thrown out if not used soon.

Waste-not, want-not, my grandmother used to say.

Take the quarter of a red onion tucked way back in the vegetable drawer and the sad parsley, wilted from a week of neglect,

And chop them vigorously.

Add them to the SPAM, throwing the vegetables into the pan with reckless abandon.

Carefully take two free range eggs out of the refrigerator.

Yes they have to be free range eggs: they taste better because the chickens lead happier lives.

Crack them into a bowl and mix lightly.

10 wisks with a fork does it, then dump the eggs over the sizzling meat and vegetables.

Once cooked on one side, flip the entire mess over onto the other side, and cook a few more minutes.

Until you have a meal fit for a Queen, or even a King.

Cheap, bountiful, and unwasteful.

That's made even better with a Kraft single, splash of hot sauce and dollop of sour cream.

For more information on SPAM, click here:

For more information on Kraft singles, click here:

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