Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chinese Five Spice Pork

Chinese five spice pork is a wonderful dish that is not the most healthy option for the health-minded eater, but is a delicious treat on special occasions.

Start with pork ribs, cut into portions consisting of 2 ribs each.  Cook sesame oil in a large cast iron dutch oven until just browned on each side.

Dice some ginger and garlic.

 Afterwards, add the ginger and garlic to a saucepan that also contains sweet white wine, sugar, soy sauce, and teriyaki sauce.  Cook down the liquid until it forms a toffee.

Add the ribs to the pot and pour some chicken stock over the ribs.

Cook over slow heat for about 2 hours.  Allow the volume of the liquid to reduce significantly.  Pull the ribs out and remove the bones.  Return the meat back to the pot.

Once the liquid volume has reduced significantly and the meat is very tender, stop cooking and serve with sticky brown rice.


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