Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Mimi's Heavenly Teriyaki Sauce

My parents were in town last week and we had a wonderful visit.  While here, I made teriyaki chicken for my parents and my Mom asked for the recipe for the homemade teriyaki sauce I used on the dish.  I named this simple recipe Mimi's Heavenly Teriyaki Sauce in honor of my mother's countless homemade dishes she prepared for my father, sister and I over the years and the love for cooking that she helped instill in me.

Mimi's Heavenly Teriyaki Sauce

2 cups sweet white wine (moscato or reisling both work well).
1 knob of fresh ginger (about the length of your thumb)
2 cloves of garlic
3 Tbs brown sugar
4 Tbs soy sauce
4 Tbs teriyaki sauce

The whole trick of this recipe is to simmer the sauce down to about a fraction of the initial volume.  Peel and chop the ginger and garlic finely.  The following link provides a nice tutorial on peeling ginger

Add all the ingredients into a flat saucepan.  Start with a medium heat and then slowly reduce it as the sauce thickens.  As you heat the sauce, whisk it frequently.  The finished product should be very dark in color and thick (almost like molasses).

Spoon over cooked vegetables, fish, chicken or rice for a wonderful  treat.  Enjoy the rest of the bottle of wine with your meal :)

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