Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Avoiding Food Waste

Avoiding waste can be a challenging.  At the store, we often purchase more than we need and find that at least some food travels almost directly from the store to our garbage cans, with only a brief layover in the fridge.

I purchased these lovely cucumbers several days before the 4th of July.  Planning on using them for a salad over the weekend, I reached for the package and found them moldy and unsuitable to eat only 5 days after they had been purchased.

Below are a few suggestions on how to reduce food waste this summer:

  • Visit the grocery store frequently and buy only what you plan to use for 2-3 days.  I was fascinated when I visited New York's Chinatown about a decade ago and was advised that most residents only buy groceries for 1-2 days, use those items, and then go out to buy for the next several days.
  • Have recipes in mind when you purchase meat and produce.  If you know what you plan to make, there's a greater likelihood you'll use what you buy.
  •  Cook frequently.  Even if your schedule is busy, try to make the time to prepare most of your meals at home.  You'll eat healthier and portions will be much more reasonable.

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